‌Not all old tattoos created by another artist can be repaired or covered. If your old tattoos are thick and dark, you may not be a suitable candidate for a cover-up or correction. It is recommended that you consult with a tattoo removal professional before considering a cover-up. 

To be eligible for a cover-up, your old tattoos should have a color that is 80% or lighter and a thin shape that can be incorporated into a new design. The process of concealing and correcting an old tattoo typically requires multiple sessions, with touch-ups scheduled 6−12 weeks apart. It is important to understand that this procedure is more complex than creating a new design on untouched skin or eyebrows. Due to the significant time and effort involved in rectifying a previous tattoo, it is not possible to provide an exact cost or determine the precise number of sessions needed.

‌The image below showcases my client who had a previous tattoo done by another artist. I successfully performed a cover-up and correction on the tattoo, completing it in just two sessions. ‌However, it’s important to note that individual outcomes may differ. The results of the procedure can be unpredictable, and there is no guarantee of achieving the same level of success in all cases. It’s crucial to understand that achieving the desired outcome may take more than two sessions, and it’s necessary to be patient and have a thorough understanding of the limitations and potential results of the procedure.
Apart from the existing tattoo, there are various factors to take into account. For instance, the presence of scar tissue can pose difficulties in applying the ink accurately. Moreover, elements like skin type, age, general health, and the usage of skincare products, as well as adhering to pre-care and aftercare instructions, can impact the final outcome.

‌The initial cost for a tattoo cover-up is $800, but we are currently running a promotion where the first session is discounted to $650. Please be aware that touch-up appointments are not included in this price and must be booked separately. The cost of touch-ups will vary depending on the timeframe in which client returns for touch-ups.

If you have previously had your eyebrows tattooed by another artist, we kindly request that you provide three clear pictures of your brows without any makeup, using natural lighting and without any filters.

‌‌1. Front facing profile
2. Right side
3. Left side

‌You can send these pictures to browsbyfeena@gmail.com or follow the link below to submit them. Please refrain from sending your pictures via Instagram or Facebook.

After you have sent your pictures, please allow us 48−72 hours to review them. We will then follow up with you to inform you whether it is possible to work over your existing tattoo or not.

If you book an appointment without approval and disclosing previous cosmetic tattoo work, your deposit will be forfeited and your appointment cancelled.
All content on this website, including text, graphics, logos, photographs, audio and video clips and data compilations is the property of Brows By Feena protected by California and international copyright laws.